The BIG consortium is constituted of the existing research units of LARSyS-ITI and INESC-ID. However, the broader BIG network involves collaboration with many other institutions with whom the units of LARSyS and INESC-ID have long-term and well-established international partnerships, namely CNRS, EPFL, Polimi, UEd, Soton, MIT, and CMU:

The DRIM research group’s main research directions fall into the areas of: Semantic information retrieval and document engineering; Trust, reputation and privacy-preservation in distributed systems; Robust and dependable distributed and mobile systems.

The Distributed Computing Lab at EPFL is a world-leading research centre in the theory and practice of distributed computing. The main research directions are Scalable Implementations of Cryptocurrencies, Distributed Machine Learning: Byzantine resilience and Privacy, and Distributed Algorithms for New Technologies: RDMA and NVRAM.

The Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Observatory was established in 2018 with the mission to generate and share knowledge on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger-related topics and contribute to the development of the Italian market, creating meeting and comparison opportunities for the main players that are active in this field.

UEd / The Institute for Design Informatics
The Institute is focused on data-driven innovation transforming society and the economy. Design Informatics designs systems for better human data interaction in diverse settings such as health, culture, mobility and finance. Their goal is to explore design from, with, and by data: the central concern is the design of flows of data which sustain and enhance human values. Relevant technologies range from IoT, through blockchains, to robotics, speech recognition, data visualisation, interaction design, and social computing.

Soton/Southampton Web and Internet Science (WAIS) group, which researches large-scale systems, exemplified by the Web and Internet that combine computational, data and human components. WAIS is one of the leading institutions of the European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum, which aims to accelerate blockchain innovation and the development of the blockchain ecosystem within the EU and thus help cement Europe’s position as a global leader in this transformative new technology.

This world-leading security and privacy centre brings together experts from all schools across the University, encompassing the fields of engineering, computer science, public policy, information systems, business, humanities, and social sciences.

MIT / CSAIL / CSG and MIT Digital Currency Initiative, The Computation Structures group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), conducts research in areas of hardware synthesis, computer security, computer architecture and VLSI design. The MIT Digital Currency Initiative promotes research necessary to support the development of digital currency and blockchain technology.