Christof Torres, previously PostDoc at ETH Zurich, and Hugo Macedo who will also keep a partial appointment at Aarhus University, officially joined the BIG team, under assistant professorships at Técnico Lisboa.

Both faculty have formally started their appointments in August, and will strengthen the BIG team expertise in the areas of security and software engineering related to blockchain and decentralized computing. One of the expected impacts of the project throughout its duration and beyond is related with the capacity to attract excellent researchers to IST and its partner institutions.

This impact comes with a short term goal of reinforcing the research work being developed in the scope of the BIG Lab framework, but also with the long term goal of promoting institutional change by creating, whenever possible, a virtuous cycle where we move the ERA Chair research team to tenure track positions within the host institution over the course of the ERA Chair project, whilst ensuring that they are still actively involved in the project.