The management structure of BIG is comprised of the ERA Chair Holder, the Financial Unit, the Research Management Unit, the ERA Chair Board, and the governing bodies of IST (Management Council and Scientific Council), INESC-ID (Board of Directors) and LARSysS (Board of Directors).
ERA Chair
The ERA Chair is located at the INESC-ID facilities and is responsible for establishing the project’s strategic guidelines, developing and implementing the framework, monitoring the technical quality of the work produced, and ensuring that all actions are in accordance with the proposal presented to the European Commission. It is also responsible for monitoring the degree of physical and administrative compliance under the guidelines established by the Commission and specific work-program rules.
ERA Chair Board
The aim of the ERA Chair Board is to ensure supervision of the strategy of the project, monitor the quality of the work and ensure coordination with other scientific bodies involved in the organizational structure of Técnico – Lisbon, LARSyS and INESC-ID. This ERAChair Board is planned to meet once a year. The ERAChair Board is currently composed of the following members:

Nuno Jardim Nunes
Project Coordinator (Head)

Luís Caires
ERA Chair Holder

Inês Lynce
President of INESC-ID

José Santos Victor
Coordinator of LARSyS

Ana Póvoa
IST Scientific Council Representative

Manuel Costa
Partner Research Manager at Microsoft

Nuno Barbosa
Engineering Manager, Custody & Trading, Platform Custody at Anchorage Digital
Financial Support Unit (FU)
The Financial Unit (FU) carries out all project financial management while being the formal link between the project participants and the European Commission.
Research Management Unit (RMU)
The Research Management Unit (RMU) is formed by the Directors of LARSyS and INESC-ID, the ERA Chair Holder and other management personnel from Técnico – Lisbon, including also personnel of the ERA Chair Support Team. The RMU focus on the definition of the strategic lines of the project in close collaboration and coordination with the ERA Chair Holder.