Upgrade the existing research and technological development capabilities by expanding the human potential and fostering a critical mass of researchers with interdisciplinary expertise in blockchain and related technologies (distributed computing, security and applied cryptography, AI, machine learning, big data and cloud computing) and design thinking. BIG is looking at new ways to boost the potential of these emerging technologies in application areas such as health, energy, digital citizenship, transport and creative industries as well as their economic impacts. BIG will dedicate resources to design and other creativity-enhancing practices for exploration of innovative solutions for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies via design studios, developing unexpected uses of technology, testing of unusual application domain solutions, and working on social innovation/acceptance. This will serve to investigate and support new ways of examining and communicating the potential of blockchain technologies, as well as guide and assess their impacts in important societal challenges.
Improve the innovation potential and impact of Lisbon and Portugal as a key platform in the Euro-Atlantic region of the EU through design-driven innovation for the data economy. This goal will be pursued by unravelling the impact of open innovation in blockchain technologies on advanced training and knowledge transfer, and by expanding the human capital and the creative research capabilities of individuals and organisations with the ultimate goal of materializing opportunities offered by blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. Examples include investing in creating testbeds for decentralised, trusted, transparent, user-centric digital services and stimulating new and improved business models that promote decentralised social innovations. These testbeds will enable the industry stakeholders to test and market solutions in strategic application areas aligned with the smart specialization strategy, for instance, tourism, transportation, mobility and logistics, creative industries and the blue economy.
Raise international awareness about the research institutes (LARSyS and INESC-ID) and connect Técnico – Lisbon and its industry affiliates to the global knowledge networks: work with mentoring institutes based at prestigious universities in Europe (CNRS, EPFL, Polimi and Soton), which have agreed to serve as advisors to the project by sharing their knowledge and promoting the exchange of key personnel; BIG will continue to deepen the strong partnerships established with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which include joint research and advanced training programs and help position BIG and Lisbon as a brokering platform in the Euro-Atlantic region for the data economy.
WP1 – Project Management
The objective of this WP is to perform the global project coordination and support tasks, the project management in general, the monitoring of project development and budget spending, the coordination of the interactions among partners, and the communication with the European Commission. The activities performed in this Work Package will provide the basis for administrative, technical and financial project management and will ensure the technical and financial features of the project are conducted properly at all times.
WP2 – Recruitment of ERA Chair, Research and Support Team
The objective of this WP is to recruit the ERA Chair holder, the research team and the support team, including three researchers, one research manager and one TTDO. The staff should support the work of the Chair holder, providing the blend of complementary expertise and skills needed to promote the excellence of research, and the activities of fund raising, advanced training, knowledge transfer, and public dissemination.
WP3 – Development of Research Capacities to Participate in the ERA
The objective of this WP is to strengthen the research capacity of Técnico – Lisbon, LARSyS and INESC-ID and to promote its long-term sustainability, by providing support to foster the project management, networking and fundraising capacities of its researchers. Specifically, the WP aims to: (i) provide LARYS and INESC-ID researchers with training on the technical and practical skills needed for preparing successful applications to H2020 and to gain project management skills; (ii) build relationships with key international organizations and networks in the environmental area; (iii) consolidate and expand the network of partners through regular, bi-directional exchange of researchers and students; (iv) foster the establishment of long-term partnerships with leading research institutions; and (v) promote the preparation of applications to H2020 calls.
WP4 – Deployment of BIGLab, Test Beds and Living Lab
This work package focuses on offering the ERA Chair and the LARSyS and INESC-ID research team the opportunity to enhance the existing research labs with new equipment for world class blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and design innovation research. This equipment will be used to develop test beds that can be used not only by LARSyS and INESC-ID members but also by European and local industry partners. These test beds will play a key role in raising the visibility of the research teams and increasing their competitiveness in the Horizon 2020 programme. This work package will address the current lack of in-house and large-scale deployments and help further to aggregate and retain the critical mass. The development of a Lisbon digital living lab infrastructure is a key action of BIG to support the further development of the research capacity of LARSyS and INESC-ID under the strategic direction of the ERA Chair holder in several key application areas. The acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment will make Técnico – Lisbon more competitive and a convenient partner due to the uniqueness of the BIGLab design studio. The foreseen focus for the BIGLab serves as a shared cross-domain platform (for the smart specialization strategy application domains) that will foster interdisciplinary approaches and the exploitation of synergies among research members and collaborators. calls.
WP5 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
This work package focuses on maximizing the impact of the ERA Chair, and more generally that of BIG, at the regional, national and international levels, including activities for dissemination of knowledge, networking, and raising international awareness of the research and innovation potential and achievements in the scope of the project. To reach these general goals, this WP will pursue the following specific objectives: